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Amsa Hospitality: fulfilling new guests needs!

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

I was reading earlier about hotel guests' most important expectations.

It is obvious that no matter what group you’re catering to, hotel guests young and old will almost always want to see their future hotel stays feature these qualities:

  • Cleanliness

  • Clear communication

  • Peaceful sleeping environments

This is what we are used to, but nowadays the matter is different!

We are witnessing rapid development in all fields, especially technology, and with our new generations, the millennial generation, and Gen Z, it takes to another level.

Studies show that 86% of millennials choose to experience a new culture over partying, while 51% plan to visit domestic and international travel destinations.
Similarly, 62% are likely to extend business trips to visit areas or sites of cultural significance.
Even further, 85% of millennial travelers check multiple sites for the best deals before booking, while 52% check online reviews travel websites, and blogs to research their potential destinations.

83% of millennials would allow brands to track their habits in exchange for a more customized experience.

One of the best ways hoteliers can wow Gen Z is to flex their emotional intelligence due to cultural shifts from the younger generation, plus advancements in both technology and neuroscience.
For that reason, it’s safe to say that the future of work will also be the future of commerce and the hotel industry as we know it:
Amazing customer service, authentic emotional connection, trust in the brand, and eco-friendly options - Gen Zers, as well as millennials, care about sustainability.

As we see, times and the way of thinking have changed for everyone:
It is no longer only a comfortable stay and good food, but it has become more personalized and more interactive.

At Amsa Hospitality, we are flexible, quick to innovate, and ahead of the curve in the latest technology to make guest experience the perfect experience, combined with our hospitality and warm welcome.